8 lessons from the samurai that we can apply in your life

In Japan, around the years that comprise the period between 1185 and 1867, the samurai had their period of greatest ascension. Followers of bushido, a code of honor and way of life that means "way of the warrior", this type of soldier of the Japanese aristocracy has a lot to teach everyone who wants to have a more peaceful and harmonious life.

Constructed from the concepts present in Shintoism, Confucianism and Buddhism, bushido led the samurai to a code of ethics that emphasizes loyalty, faithfulness, humility and other basic precepts that we must all follow.

Inspired by the principles followed by the samurai, we list below eight aspects of this Eastern teaching and the ways in which they can be applied to the everyday of modern life:

1- Honesty

Basic virtue of the samurai, it should be a basic virtue of any human being. Through honesty, it is possible to achieve goals and have a fuller life. To be honest, there's nothing to worry about when you put your head on the pillow, so a restful sleep ensures more productive days too.

2- Honor

Also known as glory, honor is the guarantee of fulfilling promises, duties and especially the word. Honoring what you say before your attitudes builds trust and lasting relationships. A person who has no honor has nothing.

3- Discipline

Just like the samurai, anyone needs discipline if they want to get good results. Whether studying a new language, starting physical exercises or re-educating your diet; Discipline is necessary in creating and maintaining new habits. Always seeking more knowledge should also be a constant practice; studying and learning never hurts.

8 lessons from the samurai that we can apply in your life4- Benevolence

Empathy and kindness complement this precept. It is the ability of each individual to disseminate good practices and teachings to the less fortunate and/or enlightened. Without expecting anything in return, being benevolent is a way of renewing energies with the universe and ensuring that the return of a good deed is rewarding.

5- Duty

Responsible in his essence, a true samurai does not run away from his activities, much less from bearing the consequences of what he does. In a world full of distractions, it is one of the foundations of bushido that we should most look up to. The old adage “first the obligation, then the fun” has a reason and should not be ignored. In order to have rights, we cannot forget about duties.

6- Self-control

Take a deep breath, rethink, reevaluate, weigh pros and cons. Actions we should always take before reacting to something. Impulsiveness is almost never a good friend and exercising self-control is a paramount practice. Actions must be accompanied by conscience.

7- Readiness

Preparation and “jump game” to act in the most different situations. If in a field of war there is no room for hesitation, in life, the less hesitation and the more readiness, there are also more chances of success. Be resilient to deal with adversity or unexpected events and have the baggage to know how to act as quickly as possible.

8- Courage

A samurai is never afraid. The teachings, trainings and other precepts that follow ensure that he has all the wisdom on how to act and react; in this way, there is no room for fear. In modern life, we must also shield ourselves from fear in every way possible, as it prevents us from moving forward. Courage is a spring of life!

Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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