7 steps to adopt a happy morning

Waking up late and yelling at everyone is not a very positive way to start the day. Of course, there are setbacks, but always getting up like this is not a positive habit. When you wake up in a more organized way, you are more likely to feel better and your day will pay off much more.

So, some tips help anyone have a happier morning. As every personality is different, many people have a really hard time getting up early. In this case, everyone needs to know how their body works and, from there, have techniques and an organization to make them more positive and happy.

1 – The alarm clock rang, get out of bed

7 steps to adopt a happy morning
Pexels/Aphiwat chuangchoem

It's no use. As soon as you wake up, get up. The snooze function is proven to be of no benefit to anyone. At some point you need to get up. So don't procrastinate. These minutes in bed can be used for other things that make your day lighter, like praying first thing in the morning, for example.

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2 – Listen to good music

7 steps to adopt a happy morning
Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

As soon as you get out of bed, turn on the radio and listen to some good music. Leave the news aside, they only present bad news. Of course, as long as you have a program that you find interesting. But music raises self-esteem.

3 – Take a shower

7 steps to adopt a happy morning
Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

It's been scientifically proven that a shower first thing in the morning, as soon as you've brushed your teeth, helps you wake up and gives you that wonderful feeling of feeling clean and fragrant. This is a good habit to cultivate.

4 – Have a strong coffee

7 steps to adopt a happy morning
Pexels/PhotoMIX Ltd.

Organize your routine to have a coffee at home. Five minutes makes the difference. If it's in the company of a partner or children, even better. If having this coffee at home is not possible, at least prioritize healthy coffee outside the house, such as bringing fruit and drinking lots of water.

5 – Practice physical activity

7 steps to adopt a happy morning
Pexels/Jonathan Borba

If you don't have to work first thing in the morning, investing in physical activity can give you a boost and improve your mood. The problem is getting started. From walking around the outskirts of your neighborhood is already very good.

6 – Compliment someone

7 steps to adopt a happy morning
123rf/Antonio Guillem

Praise someone along the way. It might even be a stranger. You feel good and you have no idea how you can make someone else happy. But give a real compliment.

7 – Do something you like

7 steps to adopt a happy morning

If that's not possible at work, do something you enjoy even if it's five or ten minutes. Play with your child, read the magazine you like, or sit and do nothing. These few minutes will be enough to help you through the rest of the day, in addition to providing you with well-being.

It is worth mentioning that it is more difficult to get out of bed when you sleep little, or if you have a bad night's sleep. So invest in your sleep. Try to sleep as soon as possible. Techniques such as tea, relaxing readings, prayers and thanksgiving help you sleep better.

As soon as you wake up, give thanks for another day. Perhaps today could be the last. We are used to being on 'automatic pilot' thinking that everything will be eternal. But it is not. So make your life worthwhile. Better to live happy and laughing than sullen and complaining about life. Small tips that transform your day to day help. Good luck!

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