7 meditation practices for a busy life

How is it possible to find time to meditate these days? Forget the hectic life for a moment and find time to be alone and practice meditation, find the “present time”.

Well, we're now going to show you seven ways to book and practice meditation throughout your day, without changing your schedule!

1. A time for you in the bath

7 meditation practices for a busy life

When you are taking a shower, mentally cleanse your energy. Take a deep breath and visualize the water clearing away all your stress and negativity. This can be a powerful technique to balance your chakras and feel better! Practice this slowly, always remembering to take a deep breath and feel the power of the water in your body.

2. Drink natural teas

7 meditation practices for a busy life

If you drink a very calming herbal tea, remember to feel the true flavor. Smell, enjoy the delicacy calmly. Take time and breathe slowly, reflecting and meditating on your behalf. Visualize this tea as a healer of your negative energies, feeling your body warm and relax lightly.

3. Eat slowly and with pleasure

7 meditation practices for a busy life

Any taste, color or smell is a little piece of nature. Slow down and see the multitude of ingredients in your hands. Control your urges for processed, unflavored foods, and don't eat fast! Calm your mind and ask yourself what this tasty food is telling you. Imagine the healthy effects on your body. Are you giving your body the nutrients it needs? Watch your energy after you eat and remember that the food you eat nourishes your soul, body and mind!

4. Wait in a long queue

7 meditation practices for a busy life

The office waiting room or the bank line can be a good time to meditate, you know? Slow down any thoughts in your mind. Observe the people and objects around you. See the beauty of things and the feelings they carry.

If you can, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Go deep into your mind! Feel with each breath the transformation of your mind, calming down.

5. Walk in Peace

7 meditation practices for a busy life
Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

Walking is a good tool for those people who don't like to exercise much. It's good because when your body is distracted by the movement of simple walking, your breathing changes in a good rhythm between your feet and your mind.

It's a way of acknowledging that everything in your path is there for a reason. If they weren't supposed to be there for some reason, surely they would come sooner or later, from the right or the left, wherever you are. Take the time to smile, send love energy to others, and even strike up a conversation with someone.

6. Stretch!

7 meditation practices for a busy life

Stretching is a great time to meditate, and that goes for stretching in the morning! Let your body do the light movements, and feel your breath, watching the world around you.

If this isn't a regular practice in your life, don't worry! Start by practicing stretching from time to time, until one day you will get used to it. You can do this while waiting for your breakfast, or while waiting for the subway! Any stretch is valid, from the feet to the hands.

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7. Attitudes for before bed

7 meditation practices for a busy life
Gregory Pappas/Unsplash

Before bed, take a few minutes to breathe deeply and clear your mind. This is a good time for a quick meditation on what happened in your day, and make plans for your future life. Reflect on everything that happened and see what needs to be improved or adjusted. If you're not ready to go to sleep, just keep your eyes closed a little while doing this, as a relaxation.

If you have trouble sleeping, here's a tip: bring your attention only to things in your room. Nothing that goes beyond that. If your thoughts are about people, places, or events happening outside my room at that present moment, then I tell myself that is forbidden. Just limit yourself to this moment. Maybe this will slow your thoughts down to a good night's sleep!

Text translated and adapted by Natalia Iannone from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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