7 Feng Shui Tricks for Happiness

Architectural and decoration trends bring beauty. Beautiful paintings, rugs and vases stir the imagination and steal our attention. However, this does not mean that the atmosphere is pleasant. The place can be extremely simple and at the same time bring relaxation. The home or workplace should offer creativity and balance. Who doesn't want to live and work in a happy environment? But, how to conquer it? Will it be a privilege for the few? None of that. Harmony is not something that falls from the sky. She is not a miracle, but her existence brings about significant changes. Feng Shui can help you achieve happiness. Curious? Read this article and learn about this technique.
What is Feng Shui?

7 Feng Shui Tricks for HappinessIt is a Chinese technique with more than 5 thousand years. The name Feng Shui means wind and water and represents the art of living in harmony with the environment. For the Chinese, Heaven, Man and Earth are the elements that govern the human being. Heaven represents personality, abilities and periods of prosperity or adversity. Man indicates attitudes and moral and intellectual development. Earth is the action of the energies of the place working on the individual.

The Taoist Masters who developed Feng Shui used the technique in conjunction with acupuncture, meditation and Tai Chi Chuan. It arrived in the United States in the early XNUMXth century at the hands of Chinese immigrants. In fact, it was the Americans who changed the pronunciation (in Mandarin it is fon xuei).

Fun fact: Feng Shui was banned during the Cultural Revolution (1966 to 1976). The adepts were persecuted, arrested, beaten and the books turned to ashes. With modernization, the technique became a source of study in Chinese Universities.

This art has three fundamentals, let's get to know them?:

  • Decrease negative energy
  • Retain and preserve good influences so that they circulate around the place
  • Bring cures to restore health, physical and mental well-being to residents or regulars
Areas of difficult harmonization


It requires special attention as this is where the individual gets rid of pollution and other negative energies. Drains from the sink, shower and toilet can suck the energy that should be in place. See the suggestions to harmonize your bathroom:

  • Leave the drains plugged
  • Fix leaks and leaks
  • Keep the toilet lid and door closed at all times
  • Hang a faceted crystal ball in the middle of the casement in suites or bathrooms that are open to light a hallway. Use a red cord with 9 centimeters between the stop and the ball
  • New large mirrors and light fixtures
  • Vicious and healthy plant. CachepĂ´ in earth tones and boa are good ideas
  • Candles and aromatic salts
  • Towels in bright colors


If the stove is used a lot, the energy of the fire can disturb the harmony. to apply the Feng Shui in the kitchen, pay attention to the following details:

  • Don't have broken appliances
  • Keep the kitchen fresh with fruits, spices and flowers
  • Beautiful utensils make cooks happy
  • Kitchen details can be colored, but the place should be white and in pastel tones. Red requires care. Black should be avoided.

Go to Guá

Ba Guá is recurrent in Feng Shui. It is an octagonal map used to read the environment. Each side or “gua” represents a sector of life. Check below what they are, their elements, their colors, shapes, plants and stones.

7 Feng Shui Tricks for Happiness

The Ba Guá is mainly used in the Black Hat School. See the correct way of use according to this aspect:

  • Draw the floor plan of the property on a sheet and define the rooms
  • Place the Ba Guá on the leaf. The center of the map is in the middle of the house. The outer line of the job must be parallel to the main entry line.
  • Position the Ba Guá so that all the rooms are represented by some sector, but the lines must remain parallel.

Sometimes, some sectors of Ba Guá do not cover the entire plant. If there are outdoor areas, incorporate them into the plan. Otherwise, invent: a garden, a resting space with just a chair or table, planters on the outside wall, rustic sculptures are examples for the sectors to contemplate all the environments of the property.

When a sector is occupied by more than one room, each one must be harmonized according to the Ba Guá guidelines. In places where the entrance door is little used, the reading can start with another entrance door, always following the Ba Guá positioning instructions. In townhouses, a reading is made per floor.

Note: You can take a reading for each room. Position Ba Guá at the entrance door of the environment and harmonize according to the sector.

the three schools

Feng Shui has three schools: The School of Form, School of the Compass and the School of the Black Hat. See the differences between the branches:

Fashion School

Belonging to traditional Chinese Feng Shui, it has the I Ching, Taoism, astronomy and astrology as its foundations. The Escola da Forma prioritizes prosperity, wealth and social performance. This current also balances health, family life and self-knowledge. The luo pan, the traditional Chinese compass, measures the exterior shapes of the property. With this data, energy maps are made and from them changes are made in the environment to rescue the harmony between it and its residents/goers.

compass school

It also belongs to Feng Shui, uses the I Ching, the Pa Tzu personal compass, and the traditional compass to analyze the place. Escola da Bússola studies the moment lived by residents/workers. The evaluation of the place is made through the date of birth of all individuals that circulate in the environment. In this current, the Ba Guá is used, a map that understands and activates the energies inside and outside the environment.

Black Hat School

Of Tibetan origin, the Black Hat School was conceived in the 60s by the monk Thomas Lin Yun. It is a variation of Buddhism unrelated to the Dalai Lama. At the Escola do Chapéu Preto, the Ba Guá is also used. The map follows the alignment of the main door. In this aspect of Feng Shui there is also the use of mirrors, flutes, wind chimes, crystal balls and Chinese vases. Cleaning and healing rituals from Tibetan Tantric Buddhism are used in this harmonization. The power of thought is used to strengthen the energy of the property.

The visible and the invisible

To identify the magnetic fields of the environment, Feng Shui works with two levels: the visible and the invisible. The visible indicates what is wrong in the arrangement of objects. The entrance door aligned with the back door, objects pointed in the same direction as windows and doors, stairs aligned with the main door are some examples of harmful elements. The invisible aspect is detected by mathematical calculations that delineate the electromagnetic fields. A compass discovers the location of these points and points out the beneficial or harmful elements. The peculiarities of the moment of construction say a lot about the invisible. Both aspects are equally important and must be worked together to achieve effective results.


Balancing ch'i is critical to successful Feng Shui. The ch'i represents the forces coming from nature. It's the air we breathe, the earth's magnetic field, sunlight, spirit and luck. Wind and water drive this force into harmony. Ch'i governs our health and prosperity and is responsible for true happiness.

Feng Shui in Commerce

The Chinese technique can also be applied in commerce. In this case, Feng Shui is geared towards prosperity. With these tips, your trade will become more prosperous. For personalized guidance, we recommend consulting an expert.


Leaving things scattered hinders the circulation of people and positive energy. Disorganization makes the environment ugly. Organize folders, boxes and papers. Leave only the essentials on the table. Place the printer away from the work area so as not to distract employees. Keep warehouses and file locations clean and organized at all times.


Thank you for being alive and healthy. Give thanks every day for your venture. Thank your employees, suppliers and customers. Thank you for taking a dream off paper, many people can't make their dreams come true.

Think positive

The economic situation is not the best. But regrets don't solve anything and make things worse. Keep in mind the following thought: “May divine prosperity bless all my customers, employees and my market, making everyone prosper and buy more and more of my products and services. And may my company prosper more and more, attracting and selling more and more to more and more prosperous and satisfied customers”.


Paint the walls in light colors. Avoid grey, pink and red. Blue should be avoided because it makes you sleepy. Choose light yellow and green. The floor must not be scratched or cracked. The furniture must be in perfect condition, the fabrics of sofas and chairs must not be torn or dirty.

Water source

7 Feng Shui Tricks for Happiness

The element is linked to wealth and abundance. A water fountain, aquarium or water mirror attracts good energies.

7 Feng Shui Tips for Happiness

To apply Feng Shui today and attract balance, we have separated seven super practical tips. After them, you will have no more excuses. Come on?

Donate what is no longer useful

Do you have clothes you no longer wear? If they are in good condition, donate them to a church, orphanage or any other institution. You can also set up a bazaar at home and donate the money. It's two problems solved at once. You free up space and still do good.

Store objects vertically

Optimizes space and still attracts prosperity.

divide spaces

If you live in a house where the rooms are not separate, you should use a curtain, decorative thread or hollow furniture to divide the spaces. According to Feng Shui, the division represents the separation and organization of each sector of life.

Do not leave furniture along the way.

Leave the furniture close to or against the walls. Feng Shui says that furniture and objects cluttering rooms bring limitations to life.

sun and wind

Windows and doors always open. The sun acts as a bactericide and the wind renews the environment. Even in rooms where they don't receive direct light, the brightness already energizes. Open the windows also in winter.


They are not restricted to the harmonization of bathrooms. Vegetables represent energy flow and are associated with wealth. Orchids favor dialogue between people. Lavender cleans and protects the house. Basil and oregano attract work and money. Tree of happiness female and male in the same vase bring harmony to couples. Arruda sends envy away.

wind chime

Hang the wind chime or wind messenger wherever there is a draft. It sends away bad energies. The bell can be made of stone, bamboo, wood or metal. If you want to place it outdoors, the metal one is the most suitable. The sound must be soft, as it is an object to attract balance to the environment. The price varies depending on the size and material, however, you can make the bell, there are many tutorials on the internet.

For more specific guidance, seek professional help. A Feng Shui expert has studied the subject for at least ten years. The professional visits the environment and analyzes it for three hours. Residents/workers must be present during the visit, as the analysis suggests behavioral changes. Everyone needs to be truly involved for the technique to have lasting effects.

Applying Feng Shui requires maturity. Cleanse your soul before harmonizing your home or workplace. Some aspects of the technique can be used inside. Take negative feelings out of your heart and point them to generous emotions and people. With this spiritual cleansing, your life will be ventilated and illuminated and you will feel the strength you need to move forward. Self-knowledge is the key to all human changes.

  • Written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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