10 yoga lessons for our life

    Yoga is a philosophy from India. Its practice is ancient, but Yoga goes far beyond postures, breathing and meditation. It is also a dive into self-knowledge in which it is possible to grow internally.

    Everyone who goes deeper into the practice ends up maturing and finding Yoga much more than a lifestyle and even a purpose. As a personal statement, I will leave 10 lessons that Yoga provides in our life. But a note: these lessons are only for you if you are deep into intense practice.

    10 yoga lessons for our life

    Lesson 1: You learn to live more in the present: the practice of Yoga brought less anxiety to my daily life. In addition, I learned to live more in the present, without creating expectations about the future. Perhaps concentration on postures, meditation, and in-depth readings accomplished this feat.

    Lesson 2: You learn that it is possible to achieve a lot: Yoga made me believe in my potential. I still don't know how to do all the postures, but I believe in my internal potential and I know that with it I can achieve a lot.

    Lesson 3: You learn that it doesn't take much to be happy: One of the best things Yoga has helped me discover is that I don't need so much to be happy. I became a more minimalist person. I'm happy with my feet on the grass and good company. This doesn't mean I don't have goals or goals, but I do recognize that simplicity has brought me happiness.

    Lesson 4: You learn to value those who love you and the simple things: it was Yoga that taught me, in practice, to value people who do me good and simple and beautiful moments. A sunset no longer goes unnoticed, as does a rainy day. And that friendship that does a hell of a lot for the soul, that I always appreciate.

    Lesson 5: You learn that you are just a drop in the immensity of the sea: Yoga taught me not to want to be much more than I can. Sometimes we wear ourselves out so much to show up and get attention, that we forget that we are just a drop in the immensity of the sea.

    Lesson 6: You learn to be less anxious: you learn to be less anxious because you start doing things more in the present. There are goals and objectives, but they are solid and were built with love.

    Lesson 7: You are constantly learning: you feel that there is always something to learn and evolve to become a better person. Learn to be humble and recognize mistakes.

    10 yoga lessons for our life

    Lesson 8: You learn not to create expectations: not all dreams will come true and that Yoga taught me. What maybe we think is right for us may actually not be, and we need to know how to wait and not judge time. Ah, time… You'll see he's wise!

    Lesson 9: You learn that what you have is enough: you'll settle for little when you dive deep into Yoga. It doesn't mean that you will beg around, but you will feel that you don't need so many external things to be happy.

    Lesson 10: I can be a better person: Yoga taught me to look inside and do some internal cleaning. I wasn't as good and cool as I thought I was. I needed to change and understand a lot. And from there I recognized the mistakes to become a better and more human person.

    Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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