10 tips for living well according to the Golden Rule and the Ethics of Reciprocity

10 tips for living well according to the Golden Rule and the Ethics of Reciprocity

For those who don't know, the Golden Rule and the Ethics of Reciprocity are commandments that summarize the duties between men. It is a way to make men happier and freer, and it can be summed up in this sentence: “Treat others as you would like to be treated”.

Here are 10 tips for living well based on the Golden Rule and the Ethics of Reciprocity.

1 – Be polite

Treat others as you would like to be treated. Reach out and show solidarity. Education is one of the most beautiful attitudes that a human being can have. Be polite to everyone, without discrimination in relation to belief, religion, color and race;

2 – Listen to others

Listen to what others have to say. You are under no obligation to agree, but be respectful to listen. Nothing is more unpleasant than someone talking and other people not showing interest.

3 – Practice compassion

Help the other. Be kind. Worry about another in solidarity, not pity. There is a quote from the Dalai Lama that goes like this: “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”

4 – Help others

Many need help. If you feel prepared and with an open heart, be willing to help others. A small attitude can make a huge difference in many people's lives.

5 – Be humble

Regardless of their social relationship, humility is essential for human beings. It is an affection, a social act. Don't underestimate yourself. You are no more than anyone else. Regardless of your bank account, don't brag. To lose humility is to lose the meaning of life.

6 – Cultivate family ties

Cultivate a thriving relationship with your family. All have flaws. But know that the family is a bond where we can support and feel firm and secure.

7 – Be grateful

Thank, thank. We are so used to asking for things and not giving in return. Thank the universe, it conspires, believe it. Give thanks for your family, the place you live, work. And if you are not satisfied, you can always change as long as you have a purpose in life and cultivate spirituality.

8 – Ame

Love you first. Love your neighbors. Feel love for life, for your life. Love is a pure feeling and is not only related to feeling for another person, it is also compassion for life. Love nature this connection that is so important for human being. love!

9 – Put yourself in someone else’s shoes

Before judging, put yourself in the other person's shoes. Don't go pre-defining cases or situations. When we put ourselves in the shoes of others, we have a different opinion.

10 – Don’t Judge

It's not up to you to judge the other. Book yourself. Take care of your life, your reflections and actions. Judging the other is taking a blame from ourselves. When we judge the other, we put ourselves in the place of the one who is right and knows things. But who are we to judge? Reflects!

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