Why should you look for dream meanings?

Have you ever woken up with the image of a dream fresh in your memory? If something remarkable happened in this scenario, chances are you searched for “dreams meaning” on the internet to understand the meanings of the dreams you had.

It is common to do such research because we believe that our dreams are signs of what can happen in our lives and that they carry important messages about how we should proceed. But not even a dream book could reveal all the mysteries of our minds.

So it's important that you delve into the universe of dreams to properly investigate what's going on in your head while you sleep. Read the content we prepared on the subject and discover, at the end of the article, the meanings of the most common dreams!

What are dreams and why do we dream?

According to science, dreams are manifestations of a person's imagination while he is sleeping. That is, they are images and sounds that her unconscious creates in a certain state of sleep. Eventually, dream scenes can be bad for the viewer, forming a nightmare.

There are several theories to explain why we dream. If we concentrate the information of each one of them, we understand that we dream to fix our memories, to erase useless information, to train our instincts, to deal with everyday issues and to expand our self-knowledge.

Dreams for Psychoanalysis

For psychoanalysis, however, dreams present an even more impressive cause. This theory, developed by Sigmund Freud, presents the idea that dreams are a fulfillment of our deepest desires, which we do not even know consciously about.

However, these desires appear in the form of symbols, as if they were disguised. So the fact that you dream about a car, for example, does not mean that you want a car. It is more complex to analyze what this car translates into your life choices and what you want for your future.

Why should you look for dream meanings?
Johannes Plenius / Unsplash

On the other hand, Carl Jung, an analytical psychologist, argues that dreams are not the fulfillment of unconscious desires. In fact, they are a portrait of our essences. Therefore, they indicate what we need to improve in ourselves, what attitudes we need to balance and how we face our flaws and our fears, called shadow.

Therefore, in both interpretations of dreams, both in psychoanalysis and in psychology, it is necessary to analyze each manifestation in depth. In this way, it is possible to understand the message behind each image that a person's brain has created. Dive into that perspective!

The meaning of a dream can help in self-knowledge

From what psychoanalysis and psychology define about dreams, it is understood that they are an important tool for self-knowledge. This is because they show us, through symbols and absurd situations, the difficulties we encounter in life, the traumas we go through and the plans we want to fulfill.

You know when you have a dream that lingers in your mind for a long time and seems to have some specific meaning? It probably has that meaning! So, if you already do psychological counseling, the ideal thing is that you write down what you saw to interpret the image with professional help.

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In this way, you will be confronted with thoughts that are not part of your daily life, but that remain in your mind, unconsciously. By doing so, you will have an opportunity to understand the feelings behind your traumas, develop ways to deal with problems in your life, and even delve into your deepest desires.

Therefore, your self-knowledge can be expanded and developed through the interpretation of your dreams, as you will go deeper even into those repressed thoughts or that relate to your defects. As a result, you can even improve your relationship with your essence. And to reap these benefits, you need to remember what you dreamed about.

But how to remember what you dreamed?

If you believe that you never dream, chances are you are not remembering your dreams, as we dream several times every night. Fortunately, there are tips that will help you activate your memory to fix the images you saw while dreaming. Check out!

  1. Avoid moving when waking up: if you manage to stay in bed for five more minutes after waking up, take this time to focus on remembering what you dreamed. It is essential that you remain in the same position you woke up in, without moving around too much. This will help your brain to focus on dreaming, not new activities in your everyday life.
  2. Write down everything you saw: before getting out of bed, you should write down everything you saw and heard in a dream, in as much detail as possible. The first few times you may remember little, but this skill will improve over time. Don't put it off until later, because the more you wake up, the more dreams will disappear, even if they seemed clear before.
  3. Mentalize your desire to remember dreams: To encourage your brain to remember what you're dreaming about, it's important that you make a conscious decision to memorize what happened while you were sleeping. For this, you can even say aloud something like: “I will remember my dreams”. By doing this regularly, you will find it easier to visualize what you dreamed of again!

Where to check the meaning of dreams?

If you remember some things that you remembered, you can find their meaning below according to the initial of the dream, for example: did you dream of a snake? Click 'c'.

Most common dream meanings

Once you are able to remember your dreams, you will notice some images that repeat themselves. Among the most common dreams are the ones listed below. Even if they seem bad or scary, you will find that the meanings of each can help in your waking life. Check it out below!

  • Snake dream meaning
  • Dog dream meaning
  • Rat dream meaning
  • Meaning of dreaming about money
  • Meaning of dreaming with louse
  • Spider dream meaning
  • Meaning of dreams about teeth
  • Cat dream meaning
  • Wedding dream meaning
  • Meaning of dreaming about betrayal

Food dream meanings

Dreaming about food does not always mean that you went to bed hungry. Find the meaning of some dreams about food below:

  • Meaning of dreams about rice
  • Meat dream meaning
  • Barbecue dream meaning
  • Fried fish dream meaning
  • Bread dream meaning
  • Egg dream meaning
  • dream about mango
  • dream about birthday cake
  • dream about beans
  • dream of milk
  • dream about ice cream

Animal dreams meaning

It is common to dream about some animals and most people tend to dream about the same animals, but what does it mean? Check out the most common dreams about animals below:

  • Spider dream meaning
  • Meaning of dream about fish
  • Frog dream meaning
  • Scorpio dream meaning
  • Horse dream meaning
  • Monkey dream meaning
  • Lion dream meaning

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Based on the information we have presented, you already know that it is very important to understand and delve deeper into your dreams. Now it's up to you to follow the tips we left, write down your dreams and unravel your mind!

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